Hanumangarh : In the 68th National School Wushu Competition held in Jammu and Kashmir from 21 to 26 November, the district’s promising player Ashu brought glory to the district by winning the gold medal. On reaching Hanumangarh, Collector Kanaram, MLA Ganesh Raj Bansal, District President of Bharatiya Janata Party Devendra Pareek, District Council Chief Executive Officer Om Bishnoi greeted him at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium.
Coach Shankar Singh Naruka said that this victory is the result of Ashu’s hard work and dedication. Last year also he had proved his talent by winning the gold medal in the same competition. On this occasion, former MLA Dharmendra Mochi, Dronacharya RD Singh, District Sports Officer Shamsher Singh, Om Sen, Deputy District Education Officer Babulal Meena, Union President Devendra Agarwal, Patron Subhash Bansal, industrialist Shiv Shankar Khadgawat, Hemant Goyal, Sunil Kamra, Sudhir Kasaniya. , Rajiv Chaudhary, Rajesh Khichad, Anil Sihag, Vikram Singh Tanwar, Sandeep Singh, Padam Singh etc. were present.