Hanumangarh : under the leadership of District Congress Committee Vice President Tarun Vijay, Congressmen celebrated the birthday of Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Tikaram Julie. Cut cakes and distributed sweets to the children of needy families in Dholi Basti located near Shiv Mandir Cinema in Junction. DCC Vice President Tarun Vijay said that as the Leader of Opposition, Tikaram Juli is playing the role of a strong opposition in the Assembly. He is a fearless and public friendly leader.
Do not compromise on public interests. Under his leadership the workers remain full of enthusiasm. Child Welfare Committee member Vijay Singh Chauhan said that Tikaram Julie, despite being the leader of the opposition, looks like a common worker. Take the lead in solving people’s problems.
Former Chairman of Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Rameshwar Chanwariya said that Tikaram Julie is a source of inspiration for the youth. District Congress Committee General Secretary Manoj Barsiwal said that Tikaram Julie is the hope not only of Congress but of the common people. Congress leaders Ramniwas Verma, Vikas Kumar, Vikas Sharma were present on this occasion.