Hanumangarh : Town Thana Police has arrested an elderly woman carrying a gun and revolver. The police took action under the Arms Act as the woman, a resident of Faridkot district of Punjab, did not have any permit and document to take her licensed weapons outside the state of Punjab.
According to the police, when the team formed under the leadership of SI Rachna Bishnoi of Town Police Station reached village Gangagarh while patrolling in the morning, information was received through an informer that a woman named Gurdev Kaur, Sarvjeet Singh (43), son of Sohan Singh Jatsikh, resident of Ward 1, She has come to the house of village Gangagarh. Gurdev Kaur has two illegal weapons. She is sitting on a chair in the street in front of Sarvjeet Singh’s house, holding both those weapons with her.
On the information of the informer, when the police team reached Sarvjit Singh’s house, a woman was seen sitting with a gun and a transparent bag in her hand. During interrogation, the woman was identified as Gurdev Kaur (80), daughter of Inder Singh, resident of Godara, Jaito Mandi PS Bajakhana, District Faridkot Punjab. The woman was found with a 12 bore gun and a 32 bore revolver in her bag. It was revealed that both the weapons were licensed. However, license holder Gurdev Kaur was not found to have any permit or document to take her weapons outside the state of Punjab.