Here in Rajasthan, lovers ran after seeing their family members, know the whole story

Jalore : In Rajasthan we hear many stories of love marriages. When the loving couple gets married even amidst the crying and wailing of the family members. But a unique love marriage has come to light in Jalore, Rajasthan. The story of which is exactly like a film.

ran away and got married after engagement

Here, when a boy and a girl from the same community could not get engaged, they eloped and got married. When the family members went to catch them, the love couple ran to the SP office. During this, the family members kept chasing them.

The family members ran after the boy and the girl

A video of this has also surfaced. In this you can see how the family members are running after the boy and the girl. But both of them reach the SP office. After both of them reached the SP office, a huge crowd of people gathered there. However, the policemen present on the spot removed the crowd from there.

Ran away after getting engaged at another place

The boy and girl who got married belong to the same community. Initially, they were hopeful that their families would get them married. But when their families thought of getting them engaged somewhere else, they both decided to elope.

The loving couple asked for protection

The lovers appeared before the SP and demanded to live together and police protection. After this, the police took the lovers out safely from there. Let us tell you that the age of the boy should be more than 21 years and the age of the girl should be more than 18 years and if both of them want to get married and live together, they can do so. This is also legally valid.

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