Jaipur : Jaipur: Before entering the examination center, there will be a metal detector to check the candidates and a third eye in the hall. There will be surveillance through CCTV cameras from admission till examination. Even in the examination hall, the candidates can be monitored. Process to build an examination hall with a capacity of 1500 candidates at a cost of Rs 6 crore with modern facilities in the next 10 months on the vacant land near the Community Center of Rajasthan University. Has started. This will be the first examination hall in the state equipped with hi-tech facilities at the university and government level, which will be on the standards of the National Testing Agency.
Six big halls, server and control rooms will be built, parking facility will also be available.
The two-storey building will have metal detectors, six big examination halls and CCTV cameras in them too. Parking and mobile storage facilities will also be available. Computers will be installed for computer based test. For the convenience of high speed internet, a DG set will be installed in case of equipment and power failure. A server and control room of advanced technology will be built. Special facilities will be available for disabled people and women. With this, students will get a center nearby in the city and the university will also get revenue. The university’s own constituent colleges are Maharaja, Maharani, Commerce and Rajasthan.
What experts say: To prevent irregularities in offline and online examinations, examination halls should be built equipped with modern facilities. The government of the institute constructing such buildings should also provide full financial support. It is necessary to have such an examination hall in the capital. Examinations of many departments like SSC New Delhi, IBPS, RPSC Ajmer, SSB Jaipur, UPSC New Delhi and Railways are also conducted in the capital. Apart from this, there is also examination for admission in UG-PG.