Hindus also offer prasad on this Tajia made of gold and silver in Jaipur, know the story behind it

Jaipur : Muharram festival is being celebrated across the country today. On this occasion, Tajia is being taken out across the country. Talking about Rajasthan, Rajasthan, famous for its royal traditions, has a special color on every festival and every occasion. Among the Tajias taken out in Rajasthan on Muharram, one Tajia is discussed every time. This Tajia belongs to the Jaipur royal family. The special thing is that this Tajia is made of 10 kg gold and 60 kg silver. Let’s know the whole story of this Tajia.

300 Tajias come out from Jaipur city

In fact, the beautiful colors of Ganga-Jamuni culture are seen in the Muharram Tajia in Jaipur. Although about 300 Tajia processions are taken out in the entire city, but among these, the Tajia of the Jaipur royal family is not only very beautiful but it is also a symbol of the shared heritage of Jaipur. 60 kg silver and 10 kg gold have been used in this Tajia. The carving of this special Tajia of the Jaipur royal family makes it even more beautiful. This Tajia is kept at the Tripolia Gate of Jaipur for 4 days. Where a large number of Hindus and Muslims come to see it and offer offerings.

The story of the Tajia of the Jaipur royal family

The Tajia of the Jaipur royal family is made of 60 kg silver and 10 kg gold. Maharaja Ram Singh of the Jaipur royal family built it in 1860.
It is kept at Tripolia Gate for 4 days; Hindus also reach there in large numbers.
This Tazia is said to be about two hundred and seventy five years old.

It was built by the Maharaja of Jaipur in 1860

This Tajia was built in 1860 by Maharaja Ram Singh of the Jaipur royal family. Three generations of Abdul Sattar have taken care of it. Currently, his son Barkat Beg is serving this Tajia. He says that his family is taking care of this heritage of Jaipur, it is a matter of pride for him. This is the first Tajia to come out in Jaipur, then Tajias are taken out from other places.

A large number of Hindus also offer offerings

Not only Muslims but a large number of Hindus also come to offer offerings at this Tajia. Nathulal, who has been coming here for years, says that his father had prayed for Nathulal’s health, since then he comes every year to offer offerings at the Tajia. He believes that all humans and their God are one. That is why he comes here. However, he is not the only Hindu who offers offerings at the Tajia.

After recovering on the advice of a fakir, the Maharaja got it constructed

This special Tajia of Jaipur royal family is looked after by the servant Abdul Sattar. He told- This Tajia was made in 1860 by the then King Ram Singh. When King Ram Singh fell ill, he recovered on the advice of a fakir. Then he got this Tajia made. This Tajia is the heritage of the City Palace. It is kept in the City Palace.

Administration is alert regarding Muharram

The administration has made special arrangements for the Tazia procession in Jaipur. Entry of big vehicles has been prohibited within the boundary wall since afternoon. A large number of police force has been deployed so that no untoward incident takes place.

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