Horrible road accident in Rajasthan, 4 people died, chaos ensued

Sikar : You will be surprised to hear that the helmet fell and four people lost their lives. But the person whose helmet fell did not even get a scratch. This is the truth, in fact four members of a family who were going to get their mother treated died in a road accident. Because the car in which they were travelling had a biker riding ahead of it, whose helmet suddenly fell and to pick it up he stopped his bike in the middle of the road. Due to this the driver of the car riding behind suddenly applied brakes and was crushed by a trolley coming from behind.

Death of grandmother, granddaughter and sons

Four people lost their lives in Sikar district of Rajasthan due to a helmet falling. The deceased include an 80-year-old woman, her son, granddaughter and another youth. The four were cremated, after which the family members reached the spot, the police investigated and then the incident could be revealed. This incident is from Sikar district of Rajasthan and alerts everyone.

He was going to Jaipur for his mother’s treatment

Actually, Rajkumar Meena, who lives in Jhunjhunu district near Sikar district, was bringing his 80-year-old mother Sanjya Devi to Jaipur. His mother had to be treated. Rajkumar’s 20-year-old daughter Archana and nephew Azad were also in the car. All four had left home yesterday morning and while coming to Ringas in Sikar, they met with an accident in the afternoon. All four died on the spot.

Accident caused by bike rider

The police had told the family that the car in which the four were travelling was hit by a cement trailer coming from behind. The bodies of all four reached the village late last evening and after that all of them were cremated on a single pyre. Today morning some of the family members came to Sikar and enquired from the locals there and then it was found out that such a big accident had happened because of a bike rider.

Four people lost their lives without any fault

Local people told the members of the victim’s family that yesterday morning a bike rider was riding his bike with his helmet hanging on it. During this his helmet fell down. He stopped his bike in the middle of the road to pick up the helmet and bent down when a car coming from behind suddenly applied brakes. All the four members of the family were present in that car. As soon as the car applied brakes, a cement trailer coming from behind crushed the car. The family members are in deep shock due to this incident. They say that there was no fault of any member of the family, yet four people lost their lives together.

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