Horrifying scene in Rajasthan, snake bites brother and sister, atmosphere of mourning

Bundi : Monsoon is kind to Rajasthan these days. Rain continues in many districts here. Bundi district of Rajasthan is also receiving continuous rain. Now amid the rain, the movement of snakes in the populated areas is also increasing. At the same time, many cases of snake bites are also coming to the fore. One such case has come to light from Hindoli area of ​​Bundi. Where a nine-month-old innocent girl and her 4-year-old brother were bitten by a snake while sleeping. In this incident, the innocent girl died on the spot, but the brother died during treatment in the hospital.

A snake entered a room near the factory

Chhitarlal, the father of both the children, said that he was living in a room near the factory in Naya village. On the night of July 13, he had gone to turn on the motor to irrigate the fields. His wife Gulabo was busy doing other work in the back house, while his 4-year-old son Rohit and 9-month-old daughter Bharti were sleeping on the bed in the room. Meanwhile, it rained and suddenly the power went off.

Mother was shocked to see the terrifying sight of the snake

Bharti screamed loudly while sleeping and when her mother Gulabo reached there, she saw that there was a snake there. After getting the information, Bharti was taken to the hospital. There, a call came that Rohit’s health was also deteriorating. He was also taken to the hospital. Here the doctor treated him very well but Rohit died during the treatment.

Two sisters died a painful death in Bundi

Let us tell you that such a sad news has come from Bikaner. Where two sisters were returning home after performing the last rites of their grandfather. But they died on the way. That is, only their dead bodies reached home. Actually, they were coming in an auto, during which a pickup hit the auto.

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