How did the MiG-29 fighter plane crash in Barmer? The Air Force’s revelation created a stir

Barmer : A major accident has happened in Rajasthan. A fighter plane has crashed here in Barmer. It is being told that the fighter plane of the Air Force has crashed in Barmer-Kawas. This incident has been reported to have happened near Olaniok’s Dhani. It is being told that the plane that crashed is a MiG-29 aircraft. While the pilot is safe in the accident. A statement has also come from the Air Force in this matter, in which the plane crash has been confirmed. The Air Force has told that this incident happened during a routine training. The pilot had to leave the plane after a technical fault occurred in the plane. After which the plane crashed. At the same time, orders for investigation have also been given in this matter.

After the incident, the Indian Air Force has informed on social media that

During a routine night training mission in Barmer sector, IAF MiG-29 developed a serious technical fault which forced the pilot to eject. The pilot is safe and there is no report of any loss of life or property. A Court of Inquiry has been ordered.

Rescue will continue at night

After reaching the spot, the police informed that the pilot is safe and a police force has been deployed in the area. People have been asked to stay 400 meters away. Pulin said that the villagers informed after which the team reached here. There is no harm to any villager. Rescue will be carried out throughout the night. The villagers also told that they saw a red object falling from the sky. After which they sent the live location to the police and informed them. The villagers said that there is no information about any loss of life or property.

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