If you are also planning to visit, then definitely taste the sandwich here, it is full of taste

Jodhpur : Jodhpur district, the second largest district of Rajasthan, is special for food lovers along with ancient heritage like palaces, mansions and forts. Many types of dishes are available in Jodhpur city. Today we are going to tell you about a special sandwich. It is said about Jodhpur, the Khande and Khavan here are famous. Because Jodhpur is a city of stones, the people here are foodies. You must be surprised to hear the special delicious “Bread Gulab Jamun Vegetable Sandwich” for these foodies. But this sandwich is so delicious that once you taste it, you will not be able to forget it for the rest of your life.

If you have come to visit Jodhpur or are planning to visit and are fond of food and are looking for something healthy to eat, then you must have eaten bread sandwich in many cities, but the taste of bread gulab jamun vegetable sandwich available in the inner city of Jodhpur is so amazing that once you eat it, you will not be able to stop yourself. This sandwich is very healthy as well as very tasty. Vijay, the owner of the restaurant that makes sandwiches, said that we have many varieties here. We do not change the taste, the taste that was there 20 years ago, the same taste is there even today.

This taste will remain in the coming times, here especially bread gulab jamun vegetable sandwich is made. The demand for this sandwich is continuously increasing, this sandwich is liked by the people of Jodhpur city as well as all the tourists from India and abroad who come here. Vijay told that we first prepare the vegetable gravy with pure desi spices, cream and pure desi ghee. Gulab jamun made from milk is put in that gravy. First garlic chutney paste is applied on the bread. After that gravy gulab jamun is put on the bread and onion is put on it as per the taste of the customer. Then another bread is placed on it and the sandwich is cut into four pieces and given to the customer. This sandwich is very healthy as well as tasty.

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