In Bikaner, dengue spread an epidemic more dangerous than Corona, there was panic after finding 46 patients in one day, see the scene of devastation in the video.

Bikaner News Desk: Dengue terror is being witnessed in Bikaner. The figures revealed once again on Thursday have shocked the health department. After 46 dengue patients were reported in a single day, this figure has now reached 648. In MCH, 15 beds have been increased to 65, while seven days’ duty has been fixed for each unit. Resident doctors have also been instructed to remain on duty 24 hours.

Convened meeting of rural medical officers
High level meetings are being held continuously regarding dengue. Joint Director Devendra Chaudhary had called a meeting of rural medical officers regarding this matter. In which he gave instructions to the staff of the entire district. He said that in the next 7 days, ensure that some health worker reaches every house in the rural area and complete the survey round currently going on for the prevention of dengue and malaria in a quality manner.

Apart from this, a meeting was also organized in the local TB clinic auditorium. In which he gave many instructions. He clarified that water vessels kept in the open should be checked, if larvae are found they should be destroyed, family members should be trained on anti-larvae action, if a fever patient is found, his malaria slide should be made and sent to the hospital for examination. Go. Besides, Temiphos should be sprayed in drinking water and MLO should also be sprayed on open dirty water through health workers.

Action will be taken against negligent officers
He directed all the medical officers to take the campaign against dengue and malaria on mission mode. He also made it clear that if more cases of dengue are reported in their area, the medical officers will be held personally responsible and strict departmental action will also be taken. Will be done. At the same time, patients were seen worried about the tests in MCH hospitals. Even after inspection of the medical department, staff were found missing at many places. Action is being taken against him.

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