In this village of Rajasthan, red and blue bottles are kept at the gate of every house, know what is the matter

Banswara : People in Banswara city were troubled by the terror of dogs. People were not able to go out of the house and were not able to sleep peacefully at night. People started doing a trick, after which people got relief from dogs. People keep bottles filled with red and blue water outside their houses, dogs run away after seeing these bottles. Bottles filled with red water kept outside the houses have become a topic of discussion among the people. Everyone is surprised to see the red water bottles kept in a row outside the houses in the entire locality. Bottles filled with water of red color, sometimes blue, are seen kept on platforms outside almost every house.

The menace of stray dogs increased

On asking about these, it was found that these have been kept in the locality to protect from the terror of dogs. The residents of the area told that the terror of stray dogs has increased, by doing this trick the dogs will not come to the locality. In Subhash Nagar and Lecturer Colony area of ​​Banswara city, people are keeping red and blue colored bottles outside the houses.

Dogs do not come near the house due to people’s belief tricks

Local people say that keeping these bottles outside the houses prevents dogs from coming near the house. People said that the number of dogs has increased a lot in the area in the past few days. They sit on the platforms of the houses during the day and make them dirty. They bark outside the houses at night, making it difficult for people to sleep. Sometimes they even attack. The situation is such that if there are more than two or three dogs together, it becomes difficult for children to go out.

“Dogs have no problem with colors”

Senior veterinarian Dr. Pankaj Pandey said that dogs have no problem with colors. Dogs have no problem with identifying colors. They understand colors clearly. Dogs not liking colored bottles may just be a misconception of people.

Totka is like the movie ‘Stree’

This trick is similar to the trick shown in the movie ‘Stree’ to drive away the witch. It is shown in the movie that people write on the walls of the house ‘O woman, come tomorrow…’. People have a misconception that the witch does not come home at night. People in Banswara, Rajasthan are doing a similar trick to drive away dogs. Here people are keeping bottles filled with red coloured water outside the house.

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