Innocent girl dies a painful death in the capital, fell into a vessel of hot milk, causing uproar

Jaipur : A very shocking incident has come to light in Samod police station area located in the rural area of ​​the capital Jaipur. In this case, an innocent three-year-old girl has died in a very painful manner. There is chaos in the family after the death of the innocent girl. Samod police station said that this incident took place in Jogi Mohalla located in Nangal Bharda.

A big ceremony was going on in the temples and this incident happened

According to the information received, Mukesh Kumar Yogi, who lives in the locality, works as a confectioner. He has a milk and curd business. Mukesh has to fulfill orders for religious events and other events held in nearby big temples. There is a huge demand for milk and curd in these events.

There is mourning in Chaumu area

To complete one such ceremony, Mukesh Yogi was boiling milk in a cauldron in his house on Thursday afternoon. Meanwhile, Khushi, a three-year-old girl, came to her father while playing. But the father was not in the room. During this time, the milk pot fell into the cauldron. The family came to know about it when they heard screams. They admitted the girl to a hospital in the nearby Chaumu town. From there, she was referred to SMS Hospital. The girl died there yesterday evening. The doctors said that she had suffered burns of more than fifty percent. Khushi was the only child of her parents.

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