Patna, December 1 (IANS). Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has already started preparations for the Bihar Assembly elections to be held in 2025. He has announced to take out Mahila Samvad Yatra from 15th December. RJD spokesperson Mrityunjay Tiwari has taken a dig at this visit of Nitish Kumar. He said that the election results of Jharkhand are showing that the NDA government is going to power in Bihar.
Speaking to IANS, RJD spokesperson said, “Now why will Nitish Kumar go on a yatra? Now is the election year. He should give an account of the yatra he did in the last 20 years, in which he squandered the public’s hard-earned money. Now this is the last journey of this government. The election results of Jharkhand show that the NDA government is going in Bihar.
It is noteworthy that this journey of Nitish Kumar, starting from December 15, has been named ‘Mahila Samvad Yatra’, the main objective of which is to bring women in his favor. Women voters play an important role in many states of North India including Bihar. In the recent Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections, women contributed significantly to the victory of the BJP alliance and Hemant Soren’s party. For this reason, Nitish Kumar is also trying to bring women to his side.
Women have always been in support of Nitish Kumar, and many schemes have contributed behind this, like the scheme of giving free bicycles to school going girls or the scheme of providing assistance of Rs 50 thousand to the graduating girls. Nitish Kumar has benefited a lot from these schemes. However, Chirag Paswan’s influence had harmed Nitish Kumar in the last assembly elections. The party had contested 110 seats in the state, but won only 43. In such a situation, communication with women is being considered very important in this visit of Nitish.