Jaipur : In compliance with the instructions given by Jaipur Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma to review the functioning of various councils related to medical services, RMSCL Managing Director Neha Giri visited the Pharmacy Council on Thursday and inspected it. Giri took detailed information from the employees about the registration process, pending applications and other activities of the Council. He also took information about the personnel working in the council and the tasks allotted to them. Also, reviewed the rules, procedures etc. of the Council.
There was a discussion on Thursday on increasing the scope of medicines included in the Chief Minister Free Medicine Scheme run by the Jaipur State Government. 390 medicines were tested. But it did not tell how much of these would be included in the scheme. With the aim of increasing the scope of medicines to treat patients under the scheme, the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee was held under the chairmanship of Managing Director RMSCL Neha Giri. In the meeting, decisions were taken regarding inclusion of new medicines in the essential medicines list and changing the category of already available medicines. In the meeting, it was considered to include medicines required for the treatment of various diseases in the essential medicine list. The medical and pharmaceutical experts present in the meeting gave suggestions regarding the availability, need, supply etc. of medicines. Giri told that 390 medicines were tested in the meeting.
As per the decisions taken today, new medicines will soon be included in the essential medicine list. With this, more and more medicines will be available to the patients at the nearest medical institution. About 4.50 lakh patients are being benefited every day under the Chief Minister’s Free Medical Medicine Scheme. A strong system of supply, distribution and maintenance of medicines has been implemented through e-medicine software. Presently 1240 medicines, 428 surgicals and 156 sutures are being provided under the scheme. A budget provision of Rs 2,122 crore has been made by the government for the scheme in 2024-25.