Jaipur Discom gave good news to electricity consumers, report your problem on this number

Jaipur : In Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur, a process has been started to make electricity services even easier for electricity consumers through the app. Under this, Jaipur Discom management will resolve electricity related complaints sitting at home. More than 10 lakh people of both the circles of the city will get the benefit of this. For this, the Discom management has provided WhatsApp message facility to the consumers. Under this, the management will listen to electricity related problems like power outage, meter getting damaged or burnt, meter replacement, error in electricity bill. And will take action on it. People are continuously getting benefit of this new facility for the last 2 months. So far more than 20 thousand consumers have got relief in this.

How can I avail this facility?

For this facility, Jaipur Discom management has issued mobile number 9414037085 on behalf of the department. Along with WhatsApp, text message facility has also been started on this number. Consumers can send their electricity related problems on this number issued by the electricity department. On which the superintending engineer level engineers of the electricity department will take action on the complaints and resolve them. Along with this, at present it is being seen as an experiment, so the report of resolution of complaints registered every week at the official level will be given to the higher officials of the Discom. So that they can test it.

This is how the new system works

According to the engineers of the Discom management, if any complaint of power failure or burning of the meter is received on the given WhatsApp number, then these complaints are transferred to the FRT (First Response Time) team deployed in the field. They transfer it to the Assistant Engineer of the concerned area and take action on it. They contact the consumer and resolve the complaint.

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