Jaipur Kites started appearing from ground to sky, shops decorated in every street

Jaipur : Jaipur Kite business is gaining momentum after Diwali. Business worth crores of rupees is done in the capital. There are big kite traders in Kishanpol, Chandpol Bazar, Handipura of Parkote. These traders not only get kites from Bareilly, Rampur and Kanpur, but also get kites prepared in the capital. According to an estimate, 50 percent of kites are made in Jaipur.

Big profits in low investment: Talking about outside the park, there is a big kite market in Sodala also. Apart from this, kite shops are also being decorated in the colonies. Investing between two to three lakh rupees. If these small traders are to be believed, they make 20 to 25 percent profit in the season. These are the traders who run their business according to the festivals and remain busy throughout the year.

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Kite The makers provide the raw materials to the artisans. When the kites are ready, the artisans are paid. The kite business starts after Diwali. Kite flying takes place on Makar Sankranti in many districts of the state including the capital. Kite making work is done on a large scale from Handipura to Delhi Road and Ramganj. Kites are also procured from outside. There are more than 25000 kite artisans in the city. 50% of the kites come from other cities. There is a turnover of Rs 20 crore in Jaipur between Diwali and Makar Sankranti. There are more than 5000 big kite traders in the capital. More seasonal shops have started in the capital,

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