Jaipur : Now teachers teaching children of class one and two of Govindgarh block will teach children in their mother tongue (home language). For this, under the National Education Policy, one-day training was given to 50 teachers teaching children of classes one and two of the block. For this, the Education Department organized block level multilingual training of 50 teachers of Hindi subject teaching first and second classes in the Government Mahatma Gandhi English Medium School of the town under the guidance of ACBEO Kamlesh Kumar Saini. ACBEO said that language should never become a barrier in the educational development of a child. Teach the child the way he reads and learns. Regarding training, ACBEO said that when a child comes to take admission in class I and II, he needs mutual interaction. During this, while giving training, skilled trainers Seema Meena and Mahesh Kumar Bagoria said that students of younger classes come to school directly from home and they are able to learn their local language quickly.
Teach children in such a way that they can study as per their class level. He said that 1652 languages are spoken in India, out of which 22 languages have been recognised. Newspapers are published in 87 languages and radio is broadcast in 71 languages. During this, one teacher from each Gram Panchayat of the block participated. During this period, many videos were released to provide education through home language.
During this, ACBEO Kamlesh Kumar Saini told the trainees that children of class one and two come to school directly from home, in such a situation they will be able to receive education in their home language soon. If the children of these classes start with Hindi or English language, it may take them more time to learn. In such a situation, by using the home language, the child will find himself closer to the teacher and will also learn studies sooner. Omkanwar Palawat, Vice Principal of Mahatma Gandhi English Medium School, said that this is a good initiative, it will also increase the bond between the learner and the teacher and both will You will also remain stress free.