Jaipur : Jaipur: After the crackdown on illegal dairies, Jaipur Commissioner Arun Kumar Hasija has sought a factual report from the Animal Management Branch regarding the issue of cows being thrown on the road. The Commissioner also made it clear that in future whenever the Animal Management Branch takes major action, he will himself reach the spot. He said that a report of this entire matter has been sought and after that, strict action will be taken against those responsible. At the same time, more than 50 illegal dairies are operating in the Parkota area and Heritage Municipal Corporation border area of the capital. A big dairy is also active in Katewa Nagar, despite this the corporation team is not able to reach the spot to take action.
Lack of resources and role of Greater Municipal Corporation: The contractor working in the Heritage Municipal Corporation does not have the necessary resources as per the tender. Despite this, the Greater Municipal Corporation issued the work order on September 27 and it was extended again a month later. A big question arises in this whole matter that like this type of game taking place in the Heritage Municipal Corporation, isn’t a similar situation happening in the Greater Municipal Corporation too?
Jaipur. The number of gig workers, who have become an important pillar of the urban economy, is increasing day by day, but no concrete steps are being taken at the government level regarding their situation. Gig workers are being exploited by launching new companies and showing them the dream of earning Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 per day, while in case of accidents, gig workers are not getting any financial assistance. The Platform-Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Act 2023 was brought in Rajasthan, but it has not been implemented yet.
in rajasthan More than four lakh gig worksr
More than four lakh gig workers are working in Pink City and other cities of Rajasthan. Dependence on gig workers in metro cities has increased by 80 percent and transactions worth more than Rs 800 crore are taking place every month in the capital due to their activities. According to a report by the Forum for Progressive Gig Workers, the gig economy can create more than 9 crore employment opportunities in the coming time, and the sector can grow to $455 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 17 percent.