Jaipur to Dubai flight cancelled at the last minute, uproar ensues

Jaipur : The arbitrary behaviour of airlines at Jaipur International Airport is taking a toll on passengers. They are being deprived of their travel at the last minute. The same situation was seen at the airport on Wednesday as well. In fact, SpiceJet Airlines Company cancelled the flight from Jaipur to Dubai at the last minute at 9:20 am.

He told the reason for this was operational. On getting this information, the passengers got angry. They gathered and created a ruckus and also scolded the airline representatives. Despite this, the company did not make any additional arrangements. In the conversation, a passenger who came from Kuchaman told that he had to join a job in Dubai on Thursday. At the same time, the passengers who came from Sikar told that they were going for a trip, hotels were booked.

The airline company is now providing tickets for 21st July, which are of no use. Many other passengers were also going for important work, but they had to be deprived. Some passengers told that they were first given tickets for 12th and then 17th July. Now they are giving tickets for 21st July. It is being told that 163 passengers were going to travel in this flight.

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