Jaipur : Jaipur With the onset of winter, Vedic Veerangana Dal distributed clothes to the girl students of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Malviya Nagar on Thursday. Snacks were also provided. Children were inculcated with the values of cleanliness and protecting the culture of the country. During this, the children along with prayers also chanted Gayatri Mantra.
Shivani of class 12, who stood first in the memory test, was honored with a prize. On this occasion, National President of the club, Dr. Anamika Sharma said that fulfilling the general needs of the children will improve their focus towards studies. She promised to provide all kinds of help to the talented students in future too. Our club will continue to provide all kinds of help to children for education in future also. At the same time, the patron of the team, Durga Sharma expressed gratitude to everyone including the school family. On this occasion, Dr. Santosh, Rekha, Kavita, Brijbala, Dr. Kriti and other women members of the team were present.