Sriganganagar : Purani Abadi Ward No. Jaldhara Tapasya will start from December 10 in the ancient Baba Balak Nath Dera located in 16. Mahant of the camp Baba Diwali Nath told that this will be his fourth penance in the camp. Earlier, he had performed Jaldhara penance with water from 5 dhuni and 11 dhuni in summer and 108 pots of water in winter. He told that Dera is the main center of devotion and faith of the devotees. There are tombs of 9 Naths in this ancient camp. Baba Diwali Nath says that the penance will end on January 19.
After which Bhandara will also be organised. It is noteworthy that at present Baba Diwali Nath is also the Mahant of Dera Baba Baru Nath located in village Mukalawa of Raisinghnagar. He told that Muklawa Dera is also more than 100 years old. That’s why it is also called ancient camp. He told that puja takes place in this camp in the morning and evening.