JDA’s rapid action continues in the capital, today bulldozers will run at these places

Jaipur : JDA will remove illegal constructions for 7 days. Bulldozers will be run on more than 100 constructions, including 85 shops and 10 houses. 691 constructions will be demolished in this 7-day action. Amidst the action, about a dozen people have got relief from the High Court.

Petitioners got relief from High Court

The High Court has banned the bulldozing of the constructions of the petitioners. This ban has been imposed by the vacation bench of Justice Ashok Kumar Jain. The High Court said that the JDA has not been able to present any record regarding whether the petitioners have encroached or not, hence the demolition of their constructions is being banned. Now the matter will be heard on July 5.

Action will be taken on 100 constructions within a radius of about one and a half kilometers

The action to demolish the remaining shops and houses will continue. The Chief Controller of Enforcement of JDA said that today action will be taken against about 100 constructions within a radius of 1.5 km. During this, he appealed to the people to take alternative routes.

New Sanganer Road will be widened to 200 feet

To widen the New Sanganer Road by 200 feet, this bulldozer action started on Wednesday, June 26 at 10 am and continued till late evening. This is the second major bulldozer action to be carried out in the Mansarovar area this month. Earlier, JDA had demolished 250 illegal constructions from Hirapath New Sanganer Road to Vande Mataram.

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