June is the hottest month ever, heat wave may kill thousands

Rajasthan : ‘Copernicus Climate Change Service’ (C3S) said that this is the 12th consecutive month when the global temperature has reached 1.5 degrees Celsius above the average temperature of the pre-industrial period. According to C3S scientists, every month since June last year has been recorded as the hottest. At the 2015 United Nations Climate Talks in Paris, world leaders had committed to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial period to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

The global surface temperature of the Earth has risen by 1.2 degrees Celsius

The Earth’s global surface temperature has already risen by about 1.2 degrees Celsius compared to the 1850-1900 average due to rapidly increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide and methane—in the atmosphere. This warming is believed to be responsible for record incidences of drought, forest fires and floods around the world.

June 2024 was the hottest month on record

“This month was 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the average June temperature estimated for 1850-1900 (pre-industrial period), making it the 12th consecutive month to reach or break the 1.5 degree threshold,” C3S said in a statement.

Many countries faced heat, floods and storms in June

In June, many countries faced record-breaking heat and devastating floods and storms. According to an analysis by Climate Central, an independent group of US-based scientists, more than 60 percent of the world’s population faced extreme heat.

61.9 crore people in India faced severe heat

Climate Central said that 619 million people in India, 579 million in China, 231 million in Indonesia, 206 million in Nigeria, 176 million in Brazil, 171 million in Bangladesh, 165 million in the US, 152 million in Europe, 123 million in Mexico, 121 million in Ethiopia and 103 million in Egypt faced severe heat in June.

Impact on power grid and water supply system
According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), northwest India recorded its hottest June since 1901. More than 40,000 people are feared dead due to heatwaves in the country and more than 100 people are feared dead due to heat. The scorching heat also affected the water supply system and power grid. A severe water crisis arose in Delhi.

Temperature crossed 50 degrees in some parts of Rajasthan

According to the IMD, 20 to 38 heatwave days were recorded in 11 states during the April to June period. This figure is four times more than the normal number of such days. The mercury crossed 50 degrees Celsius in some parts of Rajasthan and the night temperature at many places was around 35 degrees Celsius. Temperatures were above average in eastern Canada, western America and Mexico, Brazil, northern Siberia, West Asia, North Africa and western Antarctica.

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