Know the big update of Rajasthan Government regarding free smart phone scheme

Jaipur : Rajasthan government is reviewing all the schemes these days. Since the government has a shortage of budget. Due to this, preparations are underway to stop the free schemes. Under which the free smart phone scheme has been stopped first. Now women will not get free smart phones in Rajasthan.

The smart phone was worth 9 thousand rupees

Let us tell you that the Gehlot government had started a scheme to give free smart phones to women in Rajasthan. Under this scheme, smart phones were given to women, which cost around 9 to 10 thousand rupees. Under this scheme, about 15 lakh women were waiting to get smart phones since the elections. Because they were identified under this scheme. But due to the code of conduct imposed due to the elections, they did not get mobile phones. Now those women will not get smart phones for free.

6 months data was available for free

Along with giving smart phones, the government also provided free recharge for 6 months so that they do not face any problem in recharging their mobile phones for the next six months. But now no one will get free recharge under this scheme.

Smart phones distributed to 25 lakh women in the first phase

Gehlot government had launched a scheme to give free mobile phones to 40 lakh women of Rajasthan and the budget of this scheme was more than 1800 crores. Under this, in the first phase, mobile phones were given to about 25 lakh women and girls and about 1745 crore rupees were spent on it. Now the 15 lakh women who were left were waiting for free smart phones for a long time. Now they will not get smart phones due to the closure of the scheme.

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