Know this big statement of BJP in-charge Radha Mohan Das Aggarwal on Rajasthan by-elections

Jaipur : By-elections are to be held this year on 7 vacant assembly seats in Rajasthan. For which political parties are busy in their respective preparations. On Friday, Rajasthan BJP in-charge Radhamohan Das Aggarwal gave a big statement on the by-elections. He said that we have nothing to lose in the by-elections. We just want to get it. Which we will achieve very easily.

Congress has 4 out of 7 by-election seats.

It is known that out of the 7 vacant assembly seats in the state, only one seat is in BJP’s account. One seat is with RLP and one seat is with BAP. Whereas Congress has four seats. In such a situation, the real test in this by-election is for Congress. It would be a big thing if Congress is able to repeat its performance in the Lok Sabha elections in this by-election.

Radhamohan Das Aggarwal has challenged all those parties to engage in the campaign to save their respective seats. He further said that the government has done historic work in 9 months. You will see its results in the by-elections.
‘It is not the organization of the family, the organization itself is the family’. In fact, on Friday in Jaipur, BJP state in-charge Dr. Aggarwal took separate meetings with the BJP state, office-bearers, Mahila Morcha, media, social and IT departments in the office today and gave necessary direction- Gave instructions. During this, Radha Mohan Das Aggarwal said that the specialty of our thought is different, which the country and the world are accepting today. We also have a distinct identity as a political party, because here we are not an organization of a family, the organization itself is a family.

Madan Rathod said – double responsibility on workers
In the meetings, BJP state president Madan Rathod said that Rajasthan is a fertile land from the point of view of ideas. It is because of the tireless hard work and determination of the workers that we have been continuously receiving public support. After the formation of the government, the worker has a double responsibility, on one hand he has to strengthen his organization and on the other hand he has to get the work done by the government as per the expectations of the people.

Workers should pay attention to membership campaign

The BJP in-charge called upon everyone to give their time regularly every day in the second phase of the membership campaign and make members by spreading the ideas of the organization and the work of the government to the public through contact dialogue. State officials including General Secretary Damodar Agarwal, Jitendra Gothwal, Shravan Singh Bagdi, State Vice President Motilal Meena, Chunnilal Garasia, Mukesh Dadhich, CR Chaudhary were present in the meeting.

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