Know this big update of Bhajanlal government regarding cheap land policy in Rajasthan

Jaipur : BJP has also followed the path of the previous Congress government in the matter of land allotment at concessional rates. In the draft prepared for the new land allotment policy, there is no effective provision to completely close the way of favouring ‘own people’. Rather, most of the provisions have been repeated. The provision of not giving valuable land at concessional rates has been kept intact. The special thing in the draft is that strictness has been shown on those who do not construct within the stipulated time limit after land allotment. Till now, the government could give a one-year exemption at its own level in such cases, but now even the government will not be able to give exemption without penalty. In this, a penalty of 10 percent of the allotment rate has been proposed per year. This includes land allotted at concessional rates, public use, industry, political party. Right now there is a provision that if the government wants, it can give an additional exemption of one year without penalty. The allottee will continue to get exemption for two years after allotment and then an additional two years at the body, authority level. Objections and suggestions have been sought from the public on the draft.

We will not take back land from political parties

At present, there is a provision that if a political party ceases to be a national party after land allotment, the local body will take over the allotted land and the constructed building. It has been proposed to remove this provision.
Minister will also get authority to give cheap land

Till now the power to relax the allotment conditions and provisions was with the Cabinet Empowered Committee. Now this power is being given to the minister along with the committee. The committee can allot only up to 30 percent of the reserved or DLC rate, but in the proposal it is being increased to 50 percent.

Now the DPR will have to be submitted so that it can be known whether the construction can be done or not…

A detailed report of the proposed project on the allotted land will have to be submitted. It will have to give clear information about the minimum land requirement for the project, details of the proposed construction, estimate of financial cost and for what purpose the building will be used. The stipulated time for completion of the project will also have to be told. The institute will have to clarify which sections of the society will benefit from the land allotment and how. The application fee for land allotment will be increased from Rs 5,000 to Rs 25,000.

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