Kota News Desk: As the weather changed and cold winds started blowing, the splendor of foreign birds started appearing in the reservoirs. Although their number is not so much yet, a beginning has been made. As winter progresses their numbers will increase. Their antics will attract tourists, bird and wildlife lovers. According to bird experts, when there is snowfall, birds from cold regions start coming here. According to former honorary wildlife guardian Ravindra Singh Tomar, birds of many species have been visible since last few days. The play of these foreign birds with the local birds attracts tourists.
they knocked
Common Red Hawk, Spotted Red Hawk, Green Hawk, Sand Piper are seen on the wetlands. Apart from these, Mars Harrier and Montague’s Harrier have also started knocking among the birds of prey. Eagle species are being seen in encouraging numbers. These especially include Greater Spotted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Shortrod Snake Eagle, Eurasian Griffin. These birds come from Central Asia. Ruddy Shelduck is also visible. Tomar explains that their flight usually starts on moonlit nights, hence there is a possibility of increase in their numbers.
that’s why we come here
Tomar explains that when snowfall starts, especially in cold areas, the Himalayan region, they fly towards areas favorable for food and shelter. Due to snowfall they are unable to get food. These birds come from the Himalayas and other cold regions including European countries, Siberia, Central Asia, Tibet, Russia. There is a need to conserve wetlands and ponds.