Kota : Under the Kota Raksha Kavach Abhiyan, a cyber awareness program was organized on Thursday at the Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Talwandi. In the program, cyber experts Constable Ashok Kumar and Constable Suresh Kumar told that in the present times the cases of cyber fraud are increasing continuously. A little greed is emptying your bank account, taking advantage of your little mistake and extorting money from you. If you want to avoid these frauds, you have to be aware.
He told how small mistakes can make you a victim of fraud. Cyber fraud is a network which is cheating you by taking online information from you with the help of a device. Mobile is a device on which all your information is, if you are aware then no one can access your information. If you invite them to your device out of greed, they will drain your entire account within a moment. Many times, a member of your family can be cheated by making a fake video call, then we keep giving the amount in the name of settlement. The expert said, if you ever get any link or fraud call, do not panic, first verify it. Do it, do not take any decision in haste. Never keep passwords common. Always keep a unique password. Children should not get trapped in excessive gaming.
Upload from Play Store or official site
Expert Dharmaram said that at present people do not know which app and which link is correct. Due to ignorance, whatever link comes on the mobile, we open it and from the link, the fraudster reaches your mobile and extracts all the information. Therefore always upload any information from Play Store or official site only. Most of the people are not aware that if any outsider transfers money to your account, then you do not have to give any OTP for that, whereas the fraudsters lure you to earn money and ask for OTP by asking you to send money to your account. If so then you become a victim of fraud. Therefore never give OPT to anyone. School Vice Principal Manjusha Yadav said that this initiative is very good. This will create awareness about cyber crime among children.