Listen to this fasting story during the worship on Devshayani Ekadashi, all the sorrows and pains will go away

Jaipur : In Hinduism, Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Ashadh month is known as Devshayani Ekadashi. On this day, there is a law to worship Lord Vishnu and on this day the Lord goes into Yog Nidra. Along with following the fasting rules on Ekadashi, the fasting story also has special significance. It is believed that by reciting or listening to Devshayani Ekadashi, all wishes are fulfilled. One gets the blessings of Lord Shri Hari. According to mythological beliefs, on the day of Devshayani Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu goes to King Bali in the netherworld. By fasting on Devshayani Ekadashi, all the sins of the people are destroyed and salvation is attained. By observing this fast, wishes are fulfilled and happiness and prosperity comes to the house.

Devshayani Ekadashi fasting story

According to the legend, Brahmaji told Naradji that in the Satyuga, a Chakravarti emperor named Mandhata ruled. The people in his kingdom were very happy, but no one can escape the twists of fate. Suddenly, due to no rain for three years, there was a severe famine in the kingdom. Religious activities like Yagya, Havan, Pinddaan, Katha-Vrat etc. came to a halt. The people went to the king and told him their plight. King Mandhata was already upset with this situation and wondered which sin had caused this disaster.

King Mandhata set out towards the forest with his army and reached the ashram of Angira Rishi, son of Brahmaji. Rishivar blessed him and asked the reason for his arrival. The king folded his hands and said that Mahatman, I follow the religion with full honesty, yet despite this, there has been no rain in my kingdom for the last three years and there is a famine in the kingdom. Maharishi Angira said that O King! In Satyug, even a small sin gets a terrible punishment. A Shudra is doing penance in your kingdom, which is inappropriate in this era. This is the reason why there is no rain in your kingdom. As long as that Shudra ascetic is alive, the famine will not end. King Mandhata said that O God! My mind is not accepting killing an innocent. Please suggest some other solution. Maharishi Angira suggested that you should observe a fast on Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Ashad month. Due to the effect of this fast, there will definitely be rain in your kingdom. The king returned to the capital and observed the Padma Ekadashi fast according to the rules. Due to the effect of the fast, there was torrential rain and the kingdom became full of wealth and grains.

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