Malaria and dengue havoc in Rajasthan due to this monsoon, so many cases found in these districts

Rajasthan : Monsoon has arrived in Rajasthan. After the monsoon rains, seasonal diseases have started spreading. Especially in rural areas, the number of malaria patients has started increasing. The number of patients suffering from fever and seasonal diseases has also started increasing in the hospital. The health department is also seen on alert mode regarding seasonal diseases.

Visiting malaria-affected areas

In this sequence, Assistant Director Malaria Dr Mustaq Khan and Malaria Consultant Evaluation Officer Chayan Roop Soni reached Barmer. They inspected the malaria cases in Shiv area. During this, Deputy CMHO Dr PC Deepan was also present. The officials took stock of the malaria affected areas in Shiv, Kotda, Gada, Hem Singh Ki Dhani, Lakhani Ki Dhani in the district regarding prevention and control of seasonal diseases. They made people aware about water tanks and anti-larva activities.

Instructions to expand the scope of investigation

During this, Assistant Director Mustaq Khan instructed to take as many blood slides as possible from the affected area. The officials held a meeting with the block level officials at the block headquarters regarding seasonal diseases. While giving instructions, the concerned officials said that cases of seasonal diseases are increasing since the last few days. In such a situation, complete arrangements should be made for all other arrangements including investigation, treatment and prevention. He took information about the status of the Meteorological Department at the block level. Gave instructions regarding the control of prevention of seasonal diseases.

Malaria cases increased before the rains

He said that in places where seasonal diseases are spreading, regular activities should be continued till the situation comes under control. If positive cases of malaria, dengue and other seasonal diseases are found, a plan should be made to conduct activities in the concerned area. Malaria cases are continuously increasing in Barmer district. New cases are being reported here every day. The rainy season has just started. Even before this, the spread of malaria has increased.

These districts are on top in seasonal diseases

A total of 97 positive cases of malaria have been found in Barmer district till July 2. This figure is the highest so far in any district of the entire state. Jaisalmer is in second place, where 62 cases have been found.

No preventive measures being taken

Let us tell you, last season, Barmer witnessed the havoc of malaria. The way cases are coming up this year too, activities are being seen at an ideal level regarding prevention. Earlier, about four-five days ago, on the instructions of the District Collector, the Deputy CMHO had inspected the block for physical verification of the ongoing activities for the prevention of seasonal diseases. On the spot, he definitely got information about spraying in the area in the report given by the BCMO.

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