Mobile is ruining children’s education, they are irritable, fat and forgetful

Jaisalmer : Jaisalmer: The addiction of mobile is not only distracting the children but is also diverting their attention. There is problem in learning in the classroom and forgetfulness is also increasing. Now even the school teachers are sending their children with notes to keep the children away from the mobile. The problem of insomnia and obesity of the children has taken away the sleep of the parents. The school culture of urban children is different. These children have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and go to the school bus stop and after that it takes about half an hour to one hour to reach school after travelling in the school bus. Even in the afternoon, the children who get off at 12:30, reach home by 1:30. After this, these children have their lunch and then their daily routine starts.

Mobile started eating up the afternoon

In their earlier schedule, these children used to be relaxed due to the time for sleep or rest from 2 to 4 in the afternoon but now mobile has started eating up this time. After coming home, most of the children are busy passing time by watching mobile at this time.

Light evening sports are hardly

The children who are addicted to mobile are hardly able to find time for sports even in the evening. They stay here from 5 to 7. After this, due to homework, the time till 9 pm is again spent in homework. Earlier children were made to sleep at 9 pm by telling them that they had to go to school early but now the same children are getting adapted to mobile from 9 to 11 pm. As such, they have to sleep till 11 and 12 pm. The weight of a child living in Rai Colony of the city is continuously increasing. When the parents got worried, they went to the doctor. They were surprised to know his daily routine. After returning from school, the child sits with the mobile and keeps watching mobile by sitting at one place for about 3 to 4 hours. Due to this his obesity is continuously increasing.

While telling the case of a child from Baldev Nagar of the city, the doctor says that he is a 13-year-old child. He remains on mobile till 11-12 at night. Parents are being told that he is only looking at study apps. He is going to school at 5 in the morning. He is not getting enough sleep. He returns at 2 in the afternoon. From 8 in the night to 2 in the afternoon, he is giving rest to his body for only 5 hours, due to which his forgetfulness is increasing. A teacher of a private school in the city says that the results of children who used to get more than 90 percent marks have started going down. Often they do not remember the given tasks. It was found that due to being on mobile, their attention is getting diverted from studies. Now we are giving written notes to parents to keep children away from mobile.

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