Mohan Bhagwat explained the definition of ‘Hindu’ and said- ‘Family values ​​in India are in danger’

Jaipur : Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, describing Hinduism as a world religion wishing for the welfare of all, said on Sunday that Hindu means the most generous human in the world who accepts everything. Along with this, he called upon the volunteers to bring about change through social harmony and said that we have to completely eradicate the feeling of untouchability. Dr. Bhagwat was addressing the gathering of volunteers at Indira Gandhi Sports Ground in Alwar. He said, ‘Our nation has to be made strong. We have said in the prayer itself that this is a Hindu nation because Hindu society is responsible for it. If this nation is good then the fame of Hindu society increases. If something goes wrong in this nation then the blame falls on the Hindu society, because they are the doers of this country. The work of making the nation extremely glorious and powerful needs to be done with effort and we have to become capable, for which the entire society will have to be made capable.

Mohan Bhagwat told the definition of Hindu

What we call Hinduism is actually a human religion, a world religion and it works with the wish for everyone’s welfare. Hindu means the most generous human being in the world, who accepts everything and has goodwill towards everyone. A descendant of valiant ancestors who does not use education to create controversy but to impart knowledge. A Hindu does not use wealth to become intoxicated, but for charity and uses power to protect the weak. One whose character is this, whose culture is this, is a Hindu. No matter whom he worships, what language he speaks, what caste he was born in, what province he belongs to, what food customs he follows. Those who have these values ​​and culture, they are all Hindus.

Call to adopt 5 core values

Calling upon the volunteers to eradicate the feeling of untouchability and high-low, he said, ‘We forgot our religion and became subject to selfishness, that is why untouchability increased, the feeling of high-low increased, we have to eradicate this feeling completely. Where the work of the Sangh is effective, the power of the Sangh is there, there at least temples, water, crematoriums will be open for Hindus. This work has to be done by changing the mind of the society. Change has to be brought through social harmony. According to the statement issued here, the Sarsanghchalak called upon the volunteers to inculcate these five subjects in their lives – social harmony, environment, family enlightenment, sense of self and civic discipline. He said that when the volunteers will inculcate these things in their lives, then the society will also follow them.

‘Today even the opponents believe in the Sangh wholeheartedly’

Bhagwat said, ‘Next year, the Sangh will complete 100 years of its work. The Sangh’s working method has been going on for a long time. When we work, we should understand properly what is the thought behind it and this thought should always remain awakened behind our work. Earlier, no one knew the Sangh and no one believed in it. But now everyone knows and believes in it. Even those who oppose us do so with words, but they believe in it in their hearts. Therefore, now we have to protect Hindu religion, Hindu culture and Hindu society for the all-round development of the nation.’

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