Alwar : There is a shortage of permanent staff in most of the private B.Ed colleges of Alwar Pradesh. Most of these professors are working only on paper. The names of such teachers are recorded in the register, who do not work in the college. The situation is that one teacher’s certificate is being issued in many colleges. Same is happening in B.Ed colleges under Rajarshi Bhartrihari Matsya University. The B.Ed colleges running in Alwar have given time to upload the documents including verification of all the staff (academic and non-academic) on the website of Matsya University at the time of taking affiliation, but till now most of the colleges have not provided the documents, due to which Still not approved on website. At the same time, it is being told that the colleges which have committed fraud are hesitant in giving information on the website. There are 958 private B.Ed colleges running in the entire state and 87 in Alwar.
The game has been going on for ten years, the university has not taken any action: Due to the nexus between the university and B.Ed colleges, till now the university has not taken any action against the colleges. B.Ed colleges have sought six months’ time for affiliation. It is said that for the last 10 years, B.Ed colleges have been asking for six months’ extension from the university and later no one gets the documents submitted. In such a situation, the officers and employees of the university are whitewashing the action.
Outside the state, all the B.Ed colleges in Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh are given affiliation as per NCTE and the approval of the staff-principal is given by the university. Also the university issues letters to all the colleges, but this is not happening here. In other states, if the staff is not approved, a fine of Rs 60 thousand is levied by the university and if the principal is not approved, a fine of Rs 1 lakh 20 thousand is levied.
B.Ed colleges have given a certificate to share staff and other information within six months of taking affiliation. The data of those who have sent the documents to the university has been uploaded on the website. If the documents are not uploaded then action will be taken as per rules.