Now employees having more than 2 children will get promotion after 22 years, read this news

Jaipur : Many big decisions have been taken in the cabinet meeting of Rajasthan’s Bhajanlal government. A big decision has been taken regarding employees and pensioners in the cabinet meeting held on Wednesday (28 August) under the chairmanship of CM Bhajanlal Sharma. Not only this, a big decision has also been taken regarding the employees working in the district courts. Actually, Bhajanlal’s cabinet has taken a decision in favor of the employees of the district court. Now those employees of the district court who have more than 2 children will be given promotion and other benefits. This was said by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Jogaram Patel in a press conference held after the cabinet meeting.

Jogaram Patel said, since 2002, the employees of the district court who have more than 2 children were not getting promotion. But now the Bhajanlal government has decided to give promotion and other benefits to the employees who have more than two children. That means now after 22 years, the employees of the district court are going to get the benefit of promotion. Whereas for 24 years, the employees with more than two children were not being given benefits. Now their promotion can be considered from the date from which their promotion became due and they can be given notional salary hike.

Gratuity of government employees increased

A decision has also been taken in the cabinet meeting regarding the gratuity of government employees. Under this, Jogaram Patel said that the limit of gratuity of Rajasthan government employees, which was earlier Rs 20 lakh, has now been increased by the government to Rs 25 lakh. While the limit of outdoor treatment for RGHS employees has been increased. Currently, the outdoor medical limit was Rs 20 thousand, which has been increased to Rs 30 thousand.

Pensioners will also get benefit

Jogaram Patel said that the cabinet has decided that family pensioners will be given pension at an increased rate of 10 percent. While the annual outdoor limit of pensioners has also been increased from 20 thousand to 30 thousand.

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