Now no poor person will sleep hungry, here you can get full meal for 1 rupee, this facility is available

Ajmer : Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani held a meeting at Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital, Ajmer on Friday. In which he instructed the hospital administration that a dining hall will be started in the hospital by Jawahar Foundation and Swabhiman Trust. In which the patients and their relatives coming to the hospital will be given a full meal for just 1 rupee. Let us tell you that food is provided in most of the hospitals. But the rate there is 5 or 10 rupees. But in Ajmer, the rate of food has been kept at just 1 rupee. Which is almost negligible.

The kitchen will open soon

In this regard, the hospital administration has been ordered to select a place soon so that a kitchen can be started in the hospital premises. With the start of food facility in the hospital, patients and their relatives will not have to worry about food. Currently, they have to either bring food from home or from hotels etc. But soon they will not face any kind of problem.

The plate will be nutritious

The plate that patients get in the hospital will be nutritious, which will include roti, vegetables, dal and rice. Purity and hygiene will also be taken care of in this food. So that patients will get home-like food in the hospital itself.

Food will be prepared according to the patients

The food prepared in the hospital will have less salt, chilli and spices. So that the patients will not face any problem with this food. Only better quality ingredients will be used in the food. In the meeting, the Assembly Speaker discussed various issues and gave necessary guidelines.

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