Now police will take strict action against drug addicts, read this news

Jodhpur : If you are addicted to smack or MD drugs then you are on the police radar. Since drugs have spread their roots in every village and crime is also increasing due to this, now Jodhpur Rural Police has started marking the drug addicts and recording their records in the register in every police station. Not only the drug addicts but also the names and addresses of their relatives and friends and drug sellers are being recorded. Police will keep a constant watch on them and in case of a crime, interrogation can also be done.

Entry of these points

On the orders of SP Dharmendra Singh Yadav, a register has been kept in every police station of Jodhpur district. It contains the name and address, mobile number and photo of the drug user, his means of livelihood, his category (agriculture, labourer, job, school-college student or unemployed), registered FIR, WhatsApp and social media accounts, name and address of friends and relatives, name and address of drug sellers, place of drug consumption and if the drug addict is a thief or burglar, then the details of the place where he sells stolen goods are being recorded.

There will be checking at home during night patrol

The police will visit their homes during evening and night patrols and investigate. If the addict is not found at home, he will be contacted on his mobile. If the mobile is found switched off, efforts will be made to search him. If a crime occurs during this time, that person may come under suspicion.

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