Now strict action will be taken against peeping into the private life of women through social media

Jaipur : Now there is no mercy for those who pry into the privacy and personal activities of women and create fake social media accounts in someone else’s name. Not only men, but women can also be booked for peeping into the privacy and private life of women. Similarly, legal provisions have been further clarified to take action against those who commit fraud in someone else’s name by creating fake social media accounts or harm someone’s reputation through fake accounts. Provisions have also been added to the Indian Justice Code (BNS) regarding cyber crime. Earlier, there were no provisions for cyber crime in the Indian Penal Code. Only the Information Technology Act was there to take action in these crimes.


Taking inappropriate photos or videos of a woman’s personal activities will be punishable, while activities like sextortion will be a crime under the Information Technology Act. Similarly, forgery of electronic documents has also been considered a crime, which will also include creating fake Facebook, X, WhatsApp accounts in someone’s name. According to experts, the provisions included in the new laws to prevent cyber crime and increase the use of digital systems will bring major changes in the country’s criminal justice system.

use of digital devices as well

Now you will be able to register Zero or e-FIA online without going to the police station, while in future preparations are being made to send summons through SMS. Apart from this, videography of the crime scene will be necessary for all heinous crimes.

BNS-2023: Provisions to prevent cybercrime

Smuggling is punishable with life imprisonment and fine up to 10 lakh rupees

Section 111 (1) and (2)- Kidnapping, robbery, vehicle theft, extortion, property grabbing, contract killing, economic crime, cyber crime, trafficking in persons, drugs, weapons or illegal goods or services, prostitution or human trafficking for ransom by a person or group of persons. Violence, threat of violence or illegal means to obtain direct or indirect benefits will be considered an organized crime. Life imprisonment and fine up to Rs 10 lakh for such crime.

Section 112 (1) – Uprooting of ATM or installing skimmer in it, theft, snatching, cheating, black marketing of tickets, pickpocketing, betting or gambling, selling of examination question papers will be treated as petty organised crime, punishable with one to seven years imprisonment and fine.

Seven years to life imprisonment and fine for inflammatory messages

Section 153- Issuing messages or videos, including messages or videos on social media, inciting, inciting or inciting to carry out subversive or separatist activities or to undermine the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the country. Punishment: 7 years to life imprisonment and fine.

Section 196- 3 to 5 years imprisonment for spreading hatred on the basis of religion, caste, language, region etc. through electronic or any other means.

Section 197- 3 to 5 years imprisonment for threatening national unity on the basis of religion, caste, language, region etc. through electronic or any other medium.

Cybercrime means using a computer to perform illegal purposes, such as fraud, child pornography, identity theft, or violating privacy.

Provisions of the BNS

Section 77: Watching the personal activities of women and recording them on camera or video is punishable with one to three years of imprisonment.

Section 78(1): Peeping into the life of a woman through the internet, email or any other electronic device is considered stalking. Punishment for first offence up to three years.

Section 294: Selling obscene material through books or electronic devices is punishable with 2 to 5 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 5,000 to 10,000.

Section 299: Deliberately and maliciously hurting religious feelings through electronic or any other means, punishment up to three years and fine.

Section 308: 2 to 10 years imprisonment and fine for extortion through digital arrest or sending messages in any form. Read BNS @ page 19


Section 335: Forgery of a forged document, inserts new term “electronic document”.

Section 336: Forgery, making forged document or electronic record for cheating, imprisonment of seven years and fine.

Section 337: 7 years imprisonment and fine for forgery of court or public record, including electronic record

Section 353: 3 to 5 years imprisonment and fine for disturbing social harmony by spreading any statement, false information, rumours through electronic or any other medium including fake news.

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