Now this much compensation will be given in case of road accident, guideline issued

Jaipur : Now on the death of a domestic woman in a road accident, compensation will be given considering her income equal to the minimum wage, while in the case of a person working in the private sector, more compensation will be given. The compensation has been fixed at Rs 3.50 lakh to Rs 5 lakh on the death of a child between 5 to 15 years and Rs 6.50 lakh on the death of a student between 15 to 21 years.

At the same time, 10 thousand to 20 thousand rupees more will be given on permanent disability. There is also a provision of reimbursement of Rs 600 per day and medical expenses on hospitalization. The State Legal Services Authority (RALSA) has made these provisions in the Guidelines-2024 issued by the Authority for MACT cases. This will also reduce litigation regarding MACT cases. This guideline has been issued on the instructions of the Executive Chairman of the Authority, Judge Pankaj Bhandari.
For early disposal of MACT cases and solution of problems related to compensation, new guidelines have been issued by incorporating all the orders of the Supreme Court. According to RALSA Member Secretary Hariom Atri, Rs 50,000 will be given in case of damage to one eye, while for a simple injury there is a provision to provide Rs 3500 for every injury and the entire medical expenses. RALSA Special Secretary Purushottam Saini said that in case of head fracture, compensation of Rs 1 lakh will be given.

This is how you will get compensation for serious injury

Compensation of 70 thousand rupees on hospitalization due to injury to tibia and fibula (bone)
35 thousand rupees compensation for disfigurement of face and 10 thousand rupees for every injury on the face
Compensation for attendants during hospital stay Rs. 300 per day
In case of damage to the jaw or teeth, the compensation is five thousand rupees and one thousand rupees for each injured tooth.
25 thousand rupees for every fracture in case of injury to wrist, elbow and knee etc.
Rs 700 per day for hospitalisation in case of loss of income due to accident
If the income is not fixed then compensation is as per the minimum wage fixed by the government

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