Now you will get immediate help in case of heart attack, AED machines installed at Jaipur Airport

Jaipur : Jaipur International Airport has installed 5 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machines inside the terminal building to provide initial aid in case of a heart attack. These machines have been installed at different locations inside the terminal building. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that can be used to provide initial aid to a person undergoing sudden cardiac arrest.

Helpful for giving immediate treatment

These AED machines are strategically placed in the terminal building. AEDs are important in providing immediate treatment to restore normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest, thereby increasing the survival rate of victims. A senior airport official said that the AED machine is a lightweight portable unit and is easy to use. It has an automatic voice instruction system, which can be activated by pressing a button. It can also be used by common passengers.

Purpose of CPR Training

When a person suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, airport staff or passengers can immediately initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure using an AED. To make the whole process more effective, a comprehensive CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training session was also organised for employees, duty managers and housekeeping staff at the airport. The aim of the CPR training was to train the staff to provide immediate assistance before professional medical help arrives.

Everyone should install this machine

CPR expert Dr Aparna Pandey said that this is an excellent initiative by Jaipur Airport. These machines can act as life saving agents in times of crisis. Keeping in mind the current situation, all commercial and non-commercial establishments should install AED machines in their premises.

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