Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda training camp found in Alwar, know the story of their terror in 5 points

Alwar : Al-Qaeda has established its roots in the sensitive state of Rajasthan, adjacent to Pakistan. This is the same Al Qaeda, whose leader was Osama Bin Laden and who killed thousands of people by hijacking passenger planes and crashing them into the Twin Towers of America. Al Qaeda’s terrorist training camp has been caught in Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, which was being run openly in the dense forests near the Air Force Research Center, right under the nose of the intelligence agencies. The Special Cell of Delhi Police, taking action on the basis of intelligence information, has exposed this training camp and also arrested 6 terrorists. While this arrest has shocked the intelligence agencies, many questions have also been raised about national security.

1. First Al Qaeda training camp on Indian soil?

The discovery of Al Qaeda’s terrorist training centre in Bhiwadi is being viewed with great concern. This is the first Al Qaeda terrorist training camp found on Indian soil, which is being considered a shocking development. It is being considered a major threat to national security because despite being located very close to an important research centre of the Indian Air Force, the local intelligence units had no information about this training camp.

2. Terrorists were being given weapons training

The Delhi Police Special Cell had arrested 6 suspected terrorists from Bhiwadi. According to intelligence sources, all of them were being given intensive training in weapons and attack by setting up a camp at a short distance from the Indian Air Force Research Center in the dense forest of Bhiwadi. A huge setup was prepared deep inside the forest to keep this camp hidden from the eyes of the general public. It is being investigated whether the purpose of this training was to attack the research center itself.

3. These things and information were found during the arrest

Weapons, ammunition and a fake AK-47 rifle were recovered from those arrested from the terror training camp, with which the training was being given.
Apart from this, books containing terrorist ideology and some other suspicious items were found from them, which are being investigated.
All the suspected terrorists found in this training camp were taking training in important things like handling weapons, recce of specific areas etc.

4. What has Rajasthan Police said?

According to Anil Tak, IG of Jaipur Zone of Rajasthan Police, ‘We had received a request from Delhi Police that they have some information and they need to verify it. They had also asked for security cover from Rajasthan Police. We had given them security cover in Chaupan police station area of ​​Bhiwadi. We arrested 6 suspects from the spot and handed them over to Delhi Police. Delhi Police’s Special Cell is dealing with this case. Therefore, the rest of the details are with them.’

5. What is the next step of the security agencies now?

Intelligence agencies are now trying to find out for how many days these suspects were hiding here?
The agencies are also trying to find out what kind of attacks were these people being trained for here?
Intelligence agencies will also find out why these people chose this place for training?

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