People’s hearts trembled at this terrifying scene, a python grabbed a young man

Dungarpur : In Mathu Gamda Pal village of Sadar police station area, a python caught a young man passing by on the road in the dark of night. On hearing the youth’s scream, the villagers nearby saved him from the python. The python was freed at a safe place. Deevilal, a resident of Mathu Gamda Pal Dunger Fala, was going to his home from the shop at night. During this, while passing on the road, a python caught him in its grip. The python caught Deevilal. The python caught the young man in such a way that it wrapped itself around his entire body and held him. On hearing the youth’s scream, many people including Badri Katara, Gatu Katara and Deevilal Lakha Katara of the village came running.

People saved the young man from the python

The python had completely caught the young man. They separated him by hitting him with sticks. After saving the young man’s life, the python was caught. People put the python in a plastic bag. Snake catcher Lalit Shrimal was also called. The python was handed over to Lalit Shrimal, after which it was safely released in the forest.

How dangerous are pythons

The skin of the lower jaw of the python is surprisingly flexible. They swallow their prey first instead of chewing it. Their mouth helps them in this. The bones of the lower jaw of the python are not rigidly connected. They are connected by elastic ligaments. After this, the flexibility of the lower jaw gives them a unique ability to expand their mouth. This is the reason why they swallow prey many times larger than their size.

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