New Delhi, December 2 (IANS). Police have arrested a vehicle and mobile thief in Nangloi. Five stolen mobile phones and three two-wheelers have been recovered from his possession. The accused has been identified as Gaurav alias Sunny (22).
According to a police officer, Gaurav is a resident of Bakkarwala, Delhi. On the night of 29 November, Constable Rajesh and Constable Devendra were patrolling in Nangloi police station area. During this time he saw a person on a bike, who was trying to run away after seeing him.
The alert patrol team signaled him to stop if he felt suspicious. The policemen asked him to show the bike papers, but he did not show them. When the bike was checked through Zipnet, the bike was found stolen from the police station area. He was caught after questioning. The accused has been identified as Gaurav alias Sunny.
Police continuously interrogated Gaurav and on his information recovered five stolen mobile phones and three two-wheelers, which were stolen from Nangloi police station area. The accused has been arrested and all the recoveries have been confiscated. Police are investigating further in the matter.