Police exposed the case of robbery of crores, the story of robbery is false, know the matter

Jaipur : In Jaipur, a businessman’s son was held hostage and Rs 1.17 crore was looted. The police received this information at 5 pm on Monday evening. The police reached the spot. The businessman’s son was saying that the criminals came with weapons and ran away after looting. As soon as the police started the investigation, 5 such evidences were found within 2 hours, which made it clear that the whole case was fake. After this, the businessman’s minor son himself confessed to making up a false story. Along with this, his aunt’s son (cousin brother) who had taken the money from the flat was also caught.

First read what story the minor made up

On Monday evening around 5 pm, three miscreants reached the flat with the intention of loot and rang the bell. I opened the gate. As soon as I opened the gate, all three miscreants entered inside with weapons and threatened to shoot me and asked about the money. After this, the miscreants filled a bag with Rs 75 lakh (which was actually Rs 1.17 crore) kept in the cupboard and safe. The miscreants threw the bag down from the balcony and ran down the stairs. In fact, even the minor did not know how much money was in the bag.

Read further to know how the whole matter was revealed…

On receiving information about the robbery in the flat of a liquor and property businessman in an apartment in Vidhayakpuri police station area, DCP South Digant Anand reached the spot with his team at around 5:30 pm on Monday evening. DCP Digant Anand along with DCP South’s DSD and CST team reached the spot.

Proof 1- The matter of throwing the bag turned out to be false

DCP Digant Anand said- When the police asked the child what happened, he told that three miscreants came and showed him a pistol. They put 75 lakh rupees kept in the cupboard in a suitcase. They went towards the balcony and threw the bag down. After this, all three miscreants left threatening me. The police threw a bag down from the fourth floor. As soon as the bag fell down, more than 20 people gathered. Everyone told the police that no such sound was heard. Everyone would have come out after hearing such a loud sound. The child’s story turned out to be false.

Proof 2- No one was seen coming or going in the CCTV camera

CCTV cameras installed in the lift, balcony, stairs and porch were checked. Police did not find any suspicious person. It became clear to the police that no one came or went through the lift. Police felt that someone could have come and gone through the stairs. On this, CCTV footage installed on every floor was checked. No one was visible. Police checked all the CCTV footage till two hours ago, but nothing was found.

Proof 3- All chats found missing from the mobile

During interrogation, the police checked the minor’s mobile phone. It was found that all the chats in the mobile phone after 9 am were deleted. On this, the child was asked very lovingly. He told- I had refreshed the mobile. This deleted the chats. When the mobile was checked, it was found that it was not refreshed. Only the chats were deleted.

Evidence 4- Aunt’s son was not recognized in CCTV

The police showed the minor his aunt’s son in the CCTV footage. The minor refused to recognize him. But, the family members recognized him. After this, the location of the aunt’s son was traced, but he also took three hours to tell the truth. The aunt’s son had given the money to his uncle. When the police called his uncle, he himself reached the police station with the money.

Evidence 5- Minor kept getting into trouble with the police

After the incident, ACP Ashok Nagar Balaram Chaudhary reached the spot and called the minor to him. He started talking to him. An attempt was made to understand his psychology. He kept getting confused. He told the minor that the information he had given till now was wrong. The police has investigated everywhere. No one came to your house. Nor did anyone rob. You tell us what had happened. We will not tell anyone anything. After this, the minor slowly got caught in the police investigation. Then the whole matter was revealed.

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