Jhunjhunu : On July 29, 2024, an incident of robbery worth lakhs of rupees took place with e-Mitra operators Manish Aggarwal and Mahendra Kumar Saini in Chanwara Chofulya, Jhunjhunu. The accused had absconded after the incident. While giving information, Udaipurwati police station officer Rajesh Kumar said that on November 20, 2024, accused Indraj Gurjar Patan Neemkathana and Ishwar Gurjar Sarund Kotputli were arrested. Both were sent to jail for identification.
Spot action identification parade of the accused
Giving information, Udaipurwati police station officer Rajesh Kumar said that after the identification of both the accused, an identification parade was organized at Chanwara Chofulya on Thursday. Giving information, Police Officer Rajesh Kumar said that accused Indraj Gurjar and Ishwar Gurjar were taken to Chanwara Chofulya spot and other places related to the incident including E-Mitra shop were identified.
Villagers raised slogans of Police Zindabad
On Thursday, when the police took both the robbery accused to Chanwara Chofulya, the villagers raised slogans of Police Zindabad. The villagers welcomed Udaipurwati police station officer Rajesh Kumar and other police officers and employees and showered flowers.
This was the incident
On 29 July 2024, late night, an incident of robbery took place with two people who were going to their home from Chanwra Chaufulya. According to police information, Imitra operators Manish Aggarwal and Mahendra Kumar Saini, resident of Kakrana, were going home on a motorcycle. Suddenly two-three people came from behind on a motorcycle and started asking why did you abuse us. Whereas we did not talk to them. Giving information, Manish Aggarwal said that another motorcycle came from behind and three people were riding on it. They hit his motorcycle. Due to which we fell down and got injured and they brandished a country-made pistol and ran away with our bag. The bag contained Rs 3-4 lakh in cash, ATM card, mobile and other items. With the help of villagers, both of them were brought to the primary health center of Chanwara in injured condition. The police had registered the case and started investigation and were searching for the accused.