Politics heats up in the case of Jaipur Mayor Munesh Gurjar, entire society comes to his rescue

Jaipur : Politics has intensified in the case of Heritage Municipal Corporation Mayor Munesh Gurjar. On Wednesday, the entire society came out in support of Munesh Gurjar. The society demanded a high-level committee to investigate the matter. Also, warning that if Munesh Gurjar is suspended without investigation, it would be wrong and the government will have to bear the consequences. There is still suspense over the suspension of Heritage Municipal Corporation Mayor Munesh Gurjar. While the state government is taking every step cautiously in the matter. So that Munesh Gurjar does not get a stay from the court. At the same time, the entire society has come out in support of Munesh Gurjar. Akhand Bharat Gurjar Mahasabha’s National President Devnarayan Gurjar called this entire episode a conspiracy of former minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas and his associate Sudhanshu Dhillon and made some pictures public. He also said that he is not targeting Khachariyawas but the reality is out in the open.

Pratap Singh’s statements, whether for Sachin Pilot or Munesh Gurjar, prove where he stands. He had said that Sachin Pilot should wear shorts. This has been fully accounted for in the elections. There is no opposition to him. But his statements prove that he himself is a party. In such a situation, the request to the government is to look into this matter properly. He believes in the good governance of the government. But if the government does not do justice, then the government will have to bear the consequences.

Regarding the money found from Munesh Gurjar’s house, it was said that Munesh Gurjar’s husband deals in property. And when the raid took place, she was the mayor. If this was the situation, she should have been arrested immediately. And as far as the files in the house are concerned, it is a legal procedure that office work also goes on in the mayor’s house. Its employees also live there. What is new in this? Now the appeal to the Rajasthan government is that there is a lot of scope in this investigation.

Because the facts that should have been included in the investigation and the facts that should have been presented by Munesh Gurjar have not been presented. When all the facts come out, the situation will become clear. The demand from the government is that it should form a committee and look into this matter thoroughly. After this, if anyone is found guilty, he will definitely be punished. And if Munesh Gurjar is tortured by hatching a conspiracy and the government, instead of protecting him, leaves him with the terrorists, then the government will have to face the consequences. Now the entire society has come forward in defense of Munesh Gurjar, on the other hand, the minister has also talked about taking action against Munesh Gurjar, now it remains to be seen what decision the government takes on this matter.

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