Pregnant women get the gift of free sonography, this is how they can avail the benefits of the scheme

Dausa : Pregnant women have started getting the gift of free sonography under the Maa Voucher Scheme in Dausa district of Rajasthan. On the first day of the scheme on Wednesday, coupons for free sonography were provided to pregnant women in all the blocks of the district. With these coupons, pregnant women will be able to get free sonography at 33 authorized private sonography centers. All these 33 private sonography centers will be paid by the government through coupons. The Rajasthan government started this project on March 8 on the occasion of World Women’s Day as a pilot project in Bharatpur, Baran and Phalodi. After this, it has been started in entire Rajasthan including Dausa district during the second Rozgar Utsav on September 17.

Know about Rajasthan Maa Voucher Yojana

Under the Maa Voucher Yojana, at least one sonography will be done free of cost during the pregnancy of a pregnant woman in the second or third trimester. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) days are being organized at every Primary Health Centre and higher medical institutions on 9th, 18th and 27th of every month. On these days, among the pregnant women who come to government medical institutions for ANC checkup from medical specialists, at least one sonography test of those women who are in the second or third trimester will be done free of cost.

Maa Voucher Yojana has now been implemented online in all districts, so that possible complications in pregnancy can be detected early and managed and maternal and infant mortality rate can be reduced. Where sonography test facility is not available in government hospitals, pregnant women will get the benefit of this scheme at private sonography centers.

Sonography test can be done free of cost at private sonography centres

To operate the scheme online, an online system has been developed by integrating the departmental software PCTS, Impact and Ojas. Under this, pregnant women registered on PCTS who are in the second or third trimester as per LMP (Latest Monthly Period) will be issued a coupon with a QR code on their registered mobile number for getting ANC checkup as well as sonography checkup on the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan Day. This coupon will be valid for 30 days. If due to any circumstances the concerned pregnant woman is unable to use the coupon issued for sonography test in 30 days, then the coupon can be re-validated for one month again from any government institution. With this coupon, the pregnant woman will be able to get her sonography test done free of cost at any private sonography center approved by the department. In lieu of the test, the state government will make online payment of Rs 450 per sonography through DBT in the account of the sonography center.

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