Rajasthan’s horrific accident, young man’s soul trembled as soon as he opened the bonnet of the car, know the matter

Kota : In the rainy season, before boarding your car, scooter or other vehicle, make sure that there is no snake, scorpion or any other poisonous creature sitting in it. Because recently many such incidents have happened in Rajasthan. In which cobra snakes have come out from inside cars, scooters and other vehicles. It was good that they came out of the vehicle immediately. Otherwise a big accident could have happened.

stay alert during rainy season

As soon as the rainy season begins, the infestation of poisonous creatures has increased. Because due to water filling inside the ground, they come out of their burrows and try to go to safer places. Due to this, sometimes accidents also happen due to their bites. Therefore, you should also remain alert at home during the rainy season. Because you can see poisonous creatures in the house, courtyard, car or any other place.

There was a cobra inside the scooter

A few days ago, a cobra snake was removed from a scooter in the capital Jaipur. Some parts of the scooter were cut. Now a similar case has come to light from Kota district. A cobra snake entered a person’s car in Kota. After starting the car, when some sound started coming from near the engine, the driver got down and as soon as he opened the front part, a cobra snake was sitting there with its hood spread.

A snake was seen sitting in the car

Actually this incident happened with Pankaj Vaishnav who lives in Naya Gaon area of ​​Kota. Pankaj was about to go somewhere in his i20 car, as soon as he sat inside and handled the steering, a cobra snake was seen sitting near his hand. Pankaj immediately got out of the car and locked the car. After that he called snake catcher Govind Sharma, Govind opened the car and tried to catch the snake but the snake disappeared.

Cobra was seen as soon as the bonnet was opened

Pankaj and the snake catcher thought that the snake had gone away from there. After that Pankaj started the car and left for his work. After going some distance, a strange sound started coming from under the bonnet of the car. Pankaj stopped his car at the nearby Srinathpuram fire station. After that Govind Sharma was called again. When Govind opened the bonnet of the car, a 5 feet long cobra was sitting there. It took about 2 hours to rescue it. Later it was left in the forest.

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