Rajasthan’s Jawai Dam completes half century, 28 dams have overflown so far

Pali : humidity increased in Pali district due to the movement of clouds. However, despite no rainfall in the district, the inflow of water in the rivers continued. The desert Jawai Dam of western Rajasthan scored a half-century. The gauge of the dam reached 50.05 feet (4689.90 MCFT) at 8 pm. Now the dam has more than 63 percent water as compared to its filling capacity. On the other hand, the gauge is increasing despite continuous diversion of water from Jawai’s tributary Sei Dam. The gauge of the dam reached 8.50 meters (1149.03 MCFT). With a capacity of 1.6 meters, 40.11 MCFT water was diverted from the dam in 24 hours. So far 1134.93 MCFT water has been diverted from Sei Dam to Jawai. The gauge of Hemawas Dam near Pali also remained close to 27.50 feet in the evening. Now only 0.50 feet of water inflow is left to fill this dam.

The depression formed over Madhya Pradesh has reached over south-western Uttar Pradesh. It is likely to move northwards and weaken and turn into a Wellmark low pressure. Due to its effect, heavy and moderate rainfall may occur in many areas of the state. In most parts of western Rajasthan, the weather is likely to remain mainly dry in the coming days and light moderate rainfall is likely to occur only at isolated places.

Water inflow continues in dams

The inflow of water continues in the dams of the district. Out of 44 dams of Water Resources Department, Pali Circle, 28 dams are overflowing. Whereas, 8 out of 30 dams of Sirohi are overflowing. Out of the other 15 dams under the department of Pali, water is flowing into the rivers from two dams. Thus, 38 out of 89 dams under the department are overflowing. The rainy season has stopped in Pali district. According to the Weather Department, there is no possibility of rain. In the last 24 hours till 8 am, 39 mm of rain was recorded at Sei Dam, a tributary of Jawai Dam. While 33 mm of rain was recorded at Revdar and 32 mm at Raipur Luni Dam.

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