Rajasthan’s upcoming budget doubles hopes for border tourism development, will be presented on July 10

Jaisalmer : Bhajanlal government of Rajasthan is going to present its first full-time budget on July 10. The residents of Jaisalmer and the entire state have high expectations from this budget. When it comes to Jaisalmer, discussion on tourism is inevitable. Jaisalmer is also known as Swarnagari or Golden City on the world tourism map. The economic structure here is based on tourism. What are the expectations of people associated with the tourism business regarding the budget? What kind of budget do they expect from the government to promote tourism? Regarding all these things, our correspondent Shrikant Vyas talked to hoteliers, resort and restaurant operators, handicraft businessmen, tour planners and guides associated with the tourism business of Jaisalmer.

Tourism sector has ‘double’ hopes this time

Mayank Bhatia, owner of Priya Hotels and Resorts, said that the expectations of the tourism sector from this year’s budget have doubled, because the state’s Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari has the responsibility of the Tourism Ministry along with Finance and Jodhpur MP Gajendra Singh Shekhawat also has the responsibility of tourism at the center. Jaisalmer is a heritage city and there is no heritage like Jaisalmer anywhere in India. We hope that in order to maintain this heritage, a separate budget will be given for the sewerage, drainage and to admire the beauty of this golden city.

There is a need for deployment of tourism security force

Rishi Tejwani of Imperial Group says that to increase tourism in Jaisalmer, the government should make some planning in this budget and give a special budget, under which a toll free number should be issued. If a tourist faces any kind of problem or wants any information, he can get help through the toll free number. There is also a need to deploy a tourism security force for the safety of tourists. Tourism will increase only when people feel safe.

Hope for relief package for guides

Jitendra Purohit, President of Jaisalmer Guide Welfare Society, said that there are a lot of expectations for guide work from the upcoming budget. Guides get about 6 positions in a year, but the last six guides get about 6 jobs in a year. There are a lot of difficulties for them. We expect a relief package for the guides from this government’s budget.

There are not enough flights, nor trains.

Chhagan Singh, who has been working in the tourism sector for a long time, says that tourism is the mainstay of the economy of Sun City. I have realized that in the last few years, hotels worth 200 and 500 crores are coming up here, but when we look at connectivity to give them business, there are neither enough flights nor trains. In such a situation, how will tourists come? Connectivity is the most important thing for developing any tourist place, which is lacking here. If 10 to 15 trains and 15 to 20 flights are operated every day, then tourism can increase by 40%.

Monuments Maintenance Package

Ravindra Shripat, owner of Vantika Tours, says that Jaisalmer is a city that has been trending on social media platforms since its childhood. Social media is now bringing a lot of business to Jaisalmer. The future also looks very bright. There is a need for the government to bring out special packages for the maintenance of all the heritage monuments of Jaisalmer in all its schemes and budgets and also develop new monuments.

Special scheme for handicraft artisans

Jitendra, who is associated with the handicraft business, says that Jaisalmer is a city that promotes handicrafts across the country. Handicraft items made in the Thar desert also have a cultural identity. This also provides employment to domestic women on a large scale. To support women doing handicraft work, the government should make a special plan and include it in the budget.

Border tourism is the biggest demand

Rajendra Awasthi, associated with the tourism business, says that the previous government had taken many suggestions and proposals from tourism businessmen to increase tourism, the current government should consider the proposals of tourism businessmen. If they are included in the budget to execute them on the ground, then tourism will definitely benefit from it. At the same time, tourism businessman Mayank Bhatia finally says that the biggest demand and expectation in this budget is related to border tourism. A few years ago, the central and state governments together decided to organize a ceremony on the lines of Wagah border and add many activities at Babliyan border post of Jaisalmer, under which crores of rupees were also spent. But due to some restrictions, this plan was stalled midway. If the government really wants to increase the tourism of Jaisalmer, then it should focus on the development of border tourism and include it in the upcoming budget.

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